Greater Manchester Safeguarding Children Procedures
A core function of OSCP is developing policies and procedures for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We have adopted the Greater Manchester Safeguarding Children procedures.
If you cannot find a particular policy or procedure below please download the Greater Manchester Safeguarding Children Manual.
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Local policies and procedures
Please find below the Oldham multi-agency policies, procedures, guidance and toolkits -
Continuum of Need OSCP
The Safeguarding Children Partnership Continuum of Need sets out the framework for supporting families at different levels of need.
OSCP Multi-Agency Practice Standards
These multi-agency practice standards have been developed by Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP) to set out the expected standards of practice for all professionals working with children and families in Oldham, recognising that early help and safeguarding are everyone’s responsibility.
The standards should be read in conjunction with the OSCP Continuum of Need. They reflect the requirements of Working Together 2024 and Greater Manchester Safeguarding policies and procedures.
OSCP Multi Agency Standards Oct 24.pdf
For information
OSCP Supervision Standards
Reflective supervision allows time to move from the often complex and challenging tasks related to safeguarding matters, to focussing on the staff member’s reflection on their own approach and practice, thoughts and emotional challenges.
Educational Neglect
Educational Neglect refers to a parent's or carer's failure to ensure their child's educational needs are being met. Children have a legal right to an education and so failing to send the child to school regularly is an example of educational neglect. See OSCP protocol below -
OSCP and HM Coroner's Office for Manchester North Information Sharing Procedures
The purpose of this protocol is to establish effective and consistent notification and information sharing between those involved in Adults and Children's Safeguarding Procedures and His Majesty's Coroner Office to ensure that in practice the Coroner is informed by the relevant Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP) of all deaths which are to be subject of a multi-agency review e.g. Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review and the Coroner notifies the relevant partnership if it is felt that a multi-agency view should be considered.
Dispute Resolution Pathway
When working with children and families across professionals disciplines and agencies, there will be at times differences in opinion, concerns about professional practice, or issues in difficulty in communication. This pathway seeks to set out a standard of communication expectations alongside a pathway to resolve or escalate concern.
Flow chart Dispute Resolution Pathway 2024.pdf
Preparing for Adulthood: Oldham's Transitions Policy
This policy explains why Transitions work is so important as the experience of Transition has often been described as a ‘Cliff Edge’ with some young people reaching the age of 18 only to find themselves without the care and support they need as an adult due to different eligibility thresholds between children’s and adults’ services, which means that some young people are no longer eligible for statutory support when they turn 18. The policy sets out best practice for how local services should work together to support not only young people with care and support needs who are eligible for adult services under the Care Act, but also young people who are not eligible under the Care Act but who are at high risk of experiencing harm or abuse and likely to need support as an adult.
OSCP & OSAB Transitions Policy
OSCP and OSAB are pleased to provide practitioners with a 7-Minute Briefing concerning the Transition to Adult Services Process: 7 Minute Briefing - Transition to Adult Service Process
Oldham Domestic Abuse Policy and Strategy
The strategy and policy have been approved and accepted by the Domestic Abuse Partnership, Oldham Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board. The strategy sets out Oldham's community and partnership approach to domestic abuse and identifies Oldham's boroughwide priorities. The policy aims to provide the framework of a consistent and effective response to tackling domestic abuse.
Further information can be found here
Prevent Safeguarding Policy and Procedures Oldham
This policy and guidance have been developed from the Greater Manchester Safeguarding Partnership’s protocol and adapted to meet the needs of Oldham Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Board and Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board. The document was updated in January 2024 to reflect changes in legislation and procedures.
Harmful Sexual Behaviour Protocol
This protocol is for use whenever there is any suspicion, allegation or observation of a child or young person carrying out HSB or being at risk of doing so.
Harmful Sexual Behaviour Protocol
National guidance
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
T: 0161 770 7777
All content © 2025 Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership
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