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Make a referral

Are you worried about a child?
If you suspect that a child or young person is being, or is at risk of being significantly harmed you must report this to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) immediately:

Telephone: You can call MASH on 0161 770 7777

Online referrals for Health only (out of hours) - Online referral form

Updated MASH Operating Procedures_.docx

Indicator Guidance

You should be given feedback by MASH on the outcome of your referral. Where appropriate, this feedback should include the reasons why a case may not meet the statutory threshold and offer suggestions for other sources of more suitable support. You should always follow up your concerns if you are not satisfied with the response and should escalate your concerns if you remain dissatisfied.

Flow Chart Dispute Resolution Pathway 2023.pdf

More information about protecting children can be found here

Local Criteria for providing help, support and protection
Standards have been developed as a guide to support workers. The aim is to help workers consider what their strengths are when working with children, young people and their families, and what they can do to develop these further. The standards can be used flexibly in a number of situations.

The framework sets out the expected standards of practice for all professionals working with children and families in Oldham, recognising that early help and safeguarding are everyone’s responsibility.

The framework should be read in conjunction with the OSCP Multi Agency Practice Standards and Continuum of Need 24.

OSCP improving practice framework.pdf

OSCP Multi Agency Standards Oct 24.docx

Early Help for Families 

Early Help is not delivered by one designated team: All professionals working with children and their families in Oldham are responsible for supporting families. Early Help is everyone’s business! More information found here

Information Sharing

Myth Busting Guide to Information sharing taken from pages 21-22 of Working Together 2023 -

Myth Busting Guide to information sharing.pdf

Rapid Reviews and Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews

The purpose of reviews of serious child safeguarding cases, at both local and national level, is to identify improvements to be made to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Serious child safeguarding cases are those in which:

  • Abuse or neglect of a child is known or suspected; and
  • The child has died or been seriously harmed.

Any agency may refer a case to Rapid Review Panel for consideration. Strategic partners will agree whether circumstances reach the Working Together criteria for Rapid Review and if so, partners will be asked to provide relevant information to inform the RR discussion. 

To make a referral for a serious incident please complete the form below and send to

1. Greater Manchester Serious Child Safeguarding Case Notification Form.docx

Concerns about modern slavery or human trafficking

Modern Slavery includes human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. 
If you have concerns that a child may be a potential victim of modern slavery or human trafficking then a referral should be made to the National Referral Mechanism, as soon as possible.

Get more information from:

Modern Slavery Helpline

Prevent Duty Guidance and Channel Guidance 

Channel is the safeguarding process for children, young people and adults at risk of being drawn into terrorism or extremism leading to terrorism.

Prevent and Channel referral information

Following publication of the new Prevent Duty Guidance and Channel Duty Guidance in 2023 , the Council’s Policy and procedures for safeguarding people at risk of being drawn into terrorism, or extremism leading to terrorism has been updated and covers:

  • Legislation and policy framework
  • Prevent & Channel
  • Guidance for practitioners on what to do if they have a concern i.e. notice, check and share procedure
  • Making a referral and how referrals are managed
  • List of possible indicators which might be present during the radicalisation process

7 Minute Briefing - Prevent

A 7-Minute Briefing also has been produced by Oldham Council to provide an overview of the current terrorism threat, Prevent and Channel and how to make a referral. The briefing accompanies the Policy and Procedures and is a useful tool to raise awareness amongst staff.

7 Minute Briefing Prevent.pdf

Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP)

As of 1 April 2021, all child death notifications must be reported electronically via the Greater Manchester eCDOP System

To notify the CDOP of a child death please CLICK HERE

Please remember it is a statutory requirement to notify the CDOP of all child deaths 0-17 years of age. If there are a number of agencies involved, liaison should take place to agree which agency will submit the Notification. However, unless you know someone else has done so, please notify the CDOP with as much information as possible.

CDOP officer - Denise Dawson (


Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
T: 0161 770 7777

All content © 2025 Oldham Safeguarding Children Partnership

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